CORONAVIRUS Covid-19 is a pandemic caused by coronavirus. It started in Wuhan, China in 2019; hence its name "Covid-19". Coronavirus plagues the world so much that this has resulted in millions of deaths, lockdown in many countries, restriction on traveling as well as boredom. It leads to losses, in terms of jobs, money, businesses, and even freedom. Covid-19 has ravaged the world because it is highly contagious or communicable. It spreads through body contact, body fluids, through highly touched surfaces, and through unhygienic conditions. It even spreads through air by coughing and sneezing. Coronavirus stays in a person's body up to 2 weeks from the time of contact before the symptoms manifest. Some symptoms are fever, dry cough, headache, tiredness, sore throat, shortness of breath, vomiting, loss of appetite, loss of taste and smell, sleep disorders, etc. There have been a lot of adjustments/changes to new forms of life. Works, education and meetings are now done online or by zoom technology. Precautions! Wash hands often, use sanitizers, maintain social distance, wear nose mask, cough/sneeze on elbows or handkerchiefs. Stay home often, take full bath after outing, maintain high personal hygiene and visit doctor if you feel any symptoms of Covid-19.